Fleur de Lis Design and Symbology

The Fleur de Lis symbol has existed for hundreds of years, and to this point, we don’t know who came up with the original design specifications. But it is believed that the original design was made in order to represent three flowers of the white lily joined together. Although it was not meant to represent them in a perfect way since only one of them is erected and the other two points outwards and downwards. In tradition, the symbol represented the French royalty, they saw themselves as perfection, light, and life. There is even a legend that says that a golden lily was given to Clovis, who was the Merovingian king of the Franks, by an angel, all due to his purification by having converted to Christianity. For those people who believe it, it is a symbol of the divine, all that could be achieved if you turned yourself to Christianity.
about-usThere is another legend which states that he only chose the symbol because he succeeded in battle after the lilies in the river showed him the safest way to cross it. To the people who believed this, it was a symbol of hope and safety. The meaning of the Fleur de Lis has had many ramifications. To the alchemists, it was a symbol of having very high knowledge achieved by the grace of the gods. It represented the light and perfection. And in a more recent age, the Fleur de Lis came to represent the Virgin Mary to the Catholics, aa a symbol of purity and perfection. They also used it to represent the Holy Trinity because of its three- petal design. And even the military decided to use it to represent power and strength, probably going back on its original royal power symbol.